
At Claycots we are passionate about Early Years and ensuring that children have the very best start to their school life so that they are able to fulfill their potential later on. We believe that every child can make progress, if they are given the right support.


All children learn more in the period from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives and during the Nursery year you will see your child develop quickly in all areas – academically, socially and emotionally. We aim to provide a secure and nurturing environment where children can flourish, gain independence and confidence and learn new skills.

Claycot's School Values

At Claycots, we have four core school values. These values underpin our approach to learning, the way we treat one another and provide an environment that can prepare our children to be confident, happy individuals ready to make a positive contribution to society when they leave us.





Nursery Day

School Timings for Nursery

Start of the school day

The school day begins at 8.45am.


11.30am – 12.15pm

End of the school day

Reception finishes at 3.15pm.


At Claycots children come first. Their safety is our priority. The headteacher, staff and governors are aware of their responsibility to ensure that all members of the Claycots community feel safe and secure when they are on the premises.
To ensure security, the school operates the following systems:

  • All visitors must report to reception upon arriving. This includes parental enquires. Parents must not enter school via classrooms and doors other than the main reception area.
  • All visitors must wear a visitor lanyard all times. Staff are aware of their responsibility to question anyone who appears to have no authorisation to be on the school premises.
  • We will not allow children to leave the school with adults whom we are not expecting. If a parent has arranged for someone else to collect their child, the school must be informed.

The Reception Year

In Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Children develop independence and a love of learning through a combination of structured play and adult led taught sessions. By being curious and exploring children make links between their learning and therefore develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across all areas of development.


Our curriculum includes structured ways of teaching phonics, reading and writing – you can find out more about this in the Autumn Term parent information meeting.


Children are able to move freely around the Reception provision including the outdoor area for some parts of the school day. During this time, they can take part in activities of their choosing. We match the play and resources to individual needs and interests so it is purposeful. This allows children to extend their learning and explore their ideas in all areas of the curriculum.


The learning environment is arranged to provide an orderly, calm and stimulating space in which children can independently find, use and return the resources they require.

Outside Play

All the children go outside as part of our learning. This is just as important as indoor play. The children go outside every day and so we encourage parents to send in a waterproof coat and wellington boots for those rainy days we often experience! If we are lucky to have sun, they will need sun cream applied before coming into school and a named sun hat.

Reading Books

During the Autumn Term, children will receive a reading book and high frequency words to learn to read. Please read with your child as often as you can and write in the home school diary to let the school know how they are getting on.

House System

When your child starts Claycots they will become a member of a house team. The house teams are:

  • Dorney: Blue
  • Thames: Yellow
  • Jubilee: Green
  • Bray: Red

Your child will belong in the same house throughout their time at Claycots. Throughout the year there will be a number of house competitions, including sports, music and art. House teams instil a sense of belonging, promote team work and add an element of healthy completion amongst peers. By demonstrating an excellent attitude, trying their best in their learning and showing leadership qualities through behaviour, children can earn house points which are accumulated as a whole school. Rewards are given to each house and individuals at the end of term.

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